Monday 3 April 2017

9702/01 Paper 1 Multiple Choice

1 Which of the following is a scalar quantity? 

A acceleration    B mass      C momentum     D velocity

because mass has magnitude only

2 The unit of work, the joule, may be defined as the work done when the point of application of a force of 1 newton is moved a distance of 1 metre in the direction of the force. Express the joule in terms of the base units of mass, length and time, the kg, m and s.

 A kg m–1 s2        B kg m2 s–2        C kg m2 s–1       D kg s–2


Work done = Force*distance
kgms^-2 *m = kgm^2 s^-2

3 Two forces, each of 10 N, act at a point P as shown in the diagram. The angle between the directions of the forces is 120°.

Using cosine rule: c^2 = a^2 + b^2 +2abcosC
c^2 = 10^2 + 10^2 +2(100)cos 120
C = 10 N

4 Which experimental technique reduces the systematic error of the quantity being investigated?

 A adjusting an ammeter to remove its zero error before measuring a current
 B measuring several internodal distances on a standing wave to find the mean internodal distance
 C measuring the diameter of a wire repeatedly and calculating the average
 D timing a large number of oscillations to find a period

Basic concept that a systematic error can be reduced by checking for zero error.

5 A student makes measurements from which she calculates the speed of sound as 327.66 m s–1. She estimates that her result is accurate to ±3 %.
Which of the following gives her result expressed to the appropriate number of significant figures?

A 327.7 m s–1     B 328 m s–1    C 330 m s–1     D 300 m s

because 3% of 330 = 10 m/s
and speed of sound = 330 m/s

6 A steel rule can be read to the nearest millimetre. It is used to measure the length of a bar whose true length is 895 mm. Repeated measurements give the following readings.

Accuracy: closeness of the measured values to the true value
Precision: closeness of measured values.

7 A projectile is fired at an angle α to the horizontal at a speed u, as shown.


For vertical component: v = u +at
v = usina - gt
and in horizontal component v = u cos a 

In the first 1/3 of the graph, velocity is increasing hence the gradient should be increasing steeply.
In the second 1/3 of the graph, velocity is constant so gradient should be constant, hence a straight line.
In the last 1/3rd of the graph, gradient is decreasing hence line should be least steep.

Areas X and Y are equal. This is because
A the ball’s acceleration is the same during its upward and downward motion.
B the speed at which the ball leaves the surface after an impact is equal to the speed at which it returns to the surface for the next impact.

C for one impact, the speed at which the ball hits the surface equals the speed at which it leaves the   surface
 D the ball rises and falls through the same distance between impacts.

Sunday 2 April 2017

May June 2004 Complete Work Solution with Examiner Report 9702_s04_qp_2.

1 (a) State the difference between a scalar quantity and a vector quantity.

scalar: magnitude only

 vector: magnitude and direction (allow scalar with direction)
 [2] (allow 1 mark for scalar has no direction, vector has direction)

Examiner report : 
Almost all candidates stated satisfactorily the difference between scalar and vector quantities.
Candidates should be encouraged to use correct terminology. For example, ‘magnitude’ rather
than ‘size’ or ‘value

Q2) (b) Two forces of magnitude 6.0 N and 8.0 N act at a point P. Both forces act away from point P and the angle between them is 40°. Fig. 1.1 shows two lines at an angle of 40° to one another.

Most candidates did construct a parallelogram or a triangle with directional arrows on the vectors.
There were some very good, accurately drawn figures but many wrongly assumed that the lengths
of the given dotted lines were appropriate for the sides of the parallelogram or triangle. They then
gave the answer as the length of the ‘resultant’, without any regard for scale. A significant number
calculated the resultant, having drawn an appropriate diagram. Others, however, disregarded the
instruction and calculated the resultant, without drawing even a sketch diagram

2 Fig. 2.1 shows the variation with distance x along a wave of its displacement d at a particular time.

The wave is a progressive wave having a speed of 330 m s–1. (a) (i) Use Fig. 2.1 to determine the wavelength of the wave. wavelength = ................................... m

λ = 0.6 m

With few exceptions, candidates read correctly the wavelength from the graph and completed the

calculation to obtain the frequency.

(ii) Hence calculate the frequency of the wave. frequency = .................................... Hz [3]

frequency (= v/ λ )
                = 330/0.60 = 550 Hz

[3] (use of c = 3 x 108 ms-1 scores no marks)

(b) A second wave has the same frequency and speed as the wave shown in Fig. 2.1 but has double the intensity. The phase difference between the two waves is 180°. On the axes of Fig. 2.1, sketch a graph to show the variation with distance x of the displacement d of this second wave. [2]

 Intensity \propto (Amplitude)^2

We can write it as:  Intensity = k_1(Amplitude)^2
Where  k_1  is just a random constant (and so doesn't affect by how many times intensity increases/decreases as it remains the same)

So for when amplitude increases by for example 2 times, then yes intensity increases by 4 times

You could then in a way rewrite the equation as:

 Amplitude = k_2\sqrt{Intensity}

Where  k_2  is another random constant

And hence  Amplitude \propto \sqrt{Intensity}

So the amount of times intensity is increased by, amplitude is increases by the square root of that factor.
eg Intensity increases by 2 times, amplitude increased by  \sqrt{2}

9702/01 Paper 1 Multiple Choice

1 Which of the following is a scalar quantity?  A acceleration    B mass      C momentum     D velocity Answer 1- B because mass has m...